The Universal Data License defines the terms and conditions for using media assets on the permaweb. The UDL establishes a framework for licensing digital media such as images, videos, audio, graphics and more. Instead of platforms setting the terms and conditions, on the permaweb creators define how their media can be utilized.
UDL parameters explained:
- Access Fee - Fee a user must pay to access the content
- One time - Pay once to access content forever.
- Derivations - Allow or disallow other creators to derive media based on your work. Derivative works are works that alters, adapts, amends, transforms or adjusts the original work.
- With credit - The Licensee must credit and link to the original work.
- With indication - The Licensee must indicate that their work is a derivative work.
- With License Passthrough - Licensee shall only allow the use of a Derivation to third parties under the same terms and conditions as under the original license.
- With Revenue Share - the Licensee shall pay the stated percentage to the Licensor from the revenue received from third parties for the derivative work.
- With Monthly Fee - The Licensee must pay the Licensor a monthly fee to continue using the derivative work.
- With One-Time Fee - The Licensee must pay the Licensor a one time fee before creating a derivative work.
- Commercial Use - Allow or disallow the use of the content for commercial use. Commercial use refers to using the media for anything other than personal and non-commercial purposes. This includes any use that aims to make money or gain some form of commercial benefit.
- With Revenue Share - the Licensee shall pay the stated percentage to the Licensor from the revenue received from third parties for the commercial use Media.
- With Monthly Fee - The Licensee must pay the Licensor a monthly fee to continue using the commercial use Media.
- With One-Time Fee - The Licensee must pay the Licensor a one time fee to use the commercial-use Media.
- Data Model Training - Allow or disallow the reproduction and use of your content for data model training.
- With Monthly Fee - The Licensee must pay the Licensor a monthly fee to continue using the Media for data model training.
- With One-Time Fee - The Licensee must pay the Licensor a one time fee to use the Media for data model training.
- Payment Mode - The wallet address in which UDL payments are to be made to.
- Single - All payments go to the indicated address
- Random - Payments are distributed randomly between wallet addresses proportional to their respective holdings of the asset.
- Global - Payments are distributed evenly between wallet addresses proportional to their respective holdings of the asset.