What Are Gateways?
Gateways are tools that connect the Arweave network, where data is stored permanently, to the internet. They simplify uploading, accessing, and searching for data on the Arweave network, eliminating the need for technical expertise. Think of them as bridges between the blockchain world and everyday web use.
How to Use Gateways
The permaweb can be accessed through over 250 AR.IO gateways. Gateways act as a bridge between the Arweave network and the outside world by streamlining the processes of reading, writing, and discovering data on Arweave.
Popular Gateways
- https://ao.arweave.net/
- https://ao.ar.io/
- https://ao.g8way.io/
- https://ao.aoweave.tech/
- https://ao.g8way.0rbit.co/
- https://ao.frostor.xyz/
- https://ao.permagate.io/
- https://ao.arbr.pro/
- https://ao.ar-io.dev/
- https://ao.arweave.dev/
Tips for Using Gateways
- https://ao.arweave.dev/ - is a development gateway and not recommended for production use.
- If an application has trouble loading on one gateway, try switching to another.
- See the full gateway list here.
For more details about AR.IO gateways, visit the ar.io gateway documentation.